23. Northern Research Basins Symposium «Northern Hydrology in Transition» utsatt til 2022

Arrangementet vil bli avholdt i Nord-Sverige i august 2022. Temaet blir «Northern Hydrology in Transition».

Arrangør er Northern Research Basins Working Group.

Her er mer informasjon om arbeidsgruppen:

The overall objective of the NRB Working Group is to encourage research in hydrological basins in cold regions where snow, ice and frozen ground have a dominant role in the
hydrological cycle. The 
Over the years, the objectives of the NRB Working Group have evolved to include the following:

    • Gain a better understanding of hydrological processes, particularly those in which snow, ice, and frozen ground have a major influence on the hydrological regime, and to determine the relative importance of each component of the water balance.
    • Provide data for the development and testing of transposable models which may be applied to regional, national, and international water and land resource programmes.
    • Relate hydrological processes to the chemical and biological evolution of northern basins.
    • Assess and predict the effect of human activities on the hydrological regime in northern environments.
    • Encourage the exchange of personnel (technicians, scientists, research officers, students, and others) among participating countries.
    • Provide information for the improvement and standardisation of measurement techniques and network design in northern regions.
    • Encourage exchange of information on a regular basis, and
    • Set up task forces to promote research initiatives on topics of special interest to northern research basins.


Mer om workshopèn og symposiet vil komme her.

Professor Oddbjørn Bruland, NTNU –  Institutt for Vatn og Miljøteknikk, er norsk representant i NRB.


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