Session 1: Water Cycle extremes
Hydro-climatic extremes in a changing environment
Lena M. Tallaksen, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo
The Water Cycle Extremes in Cold Climate: A case study of Latvia
Inga Grinfelde, Anda Bakute, Latvia university of life sciences and technology
Constructing and simulating a rain-on snow climatology for Norway
Pardeep Pall, Jean Iaquinta, Lena Tallaksen, Frode Stordal, University of Oslo, Department of Geosciences
Applying NWP-ensembles to identify different large scale setups for analyzing local extreme precipitation
Karianne Ødemark, Ole Einar Tveito, Malte Müller, MET Norway
Two Basic Algorithms
Etienne Leblois Irstea, Lyon, France
Subsurface-state equals runoff ? – it depends
Thomas Skaugen, Søren Boje, Knut Møen, and Anne Ellekjær Stavang. 1Norwegian Water resources and Energy Directorate; 2Norwegian University for Life Sciences
Analysis on the added value of accounting for slope/aspect and shading effects in hydrologic simulations
Olga Silantyeva1, Lena M. Tallaksen1, John F. Burkhart1,3, Ola Skavhaug2, Sigbjørn Helset3, 1 University of Oslo, 2 Expert Analytics AS, 3 Statkraft AS
seNorge2018 observational gridded datasets over Norway
Cristian Lussana, Ole Einar Tveito, Ketil Tunheim, Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Characteristics of winter warming events and the influence of such events on the ground surface temperature along alpine environmental gradients in southern Norway
Rune Strand Ødegård 1), Ketil Isaksen 2) and Cristian Lussana 2). 1)Norwegian University of Science and Technology and 2)Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Session 2: From modelling to decisions
Addressing the usability gap: critical challenges in transitioning from research to services and applications
Stefan Sobolowski, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
Impact of different parameterizations of potential evapotranspiration on estimation of hydrological drought duration in a changing climate
Wai Kwok Wong1, Shaochun Huang1, Stephanie Eisner2, Stein Beldring1. 1 The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE), 2 Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO)
A statistical technique for designing the lowest navigable water level under changing environment
Lu Wang, Ping Xie, Chongyu Xu State Key,Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University; Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo
Improving long-term hydropower inflow forecasts by assimilating snow data
Felix Matt (1), Jan Magnusson (1), Geir Nævdal (2), Adam Winstral (3), John F. Burkhart (4). 1) Statkraft AS, 2) NORCE, 3) SLF, 4) University of Oslo
High impact environmental events, the role of Earth System modelling
Øystein Hov, The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters/Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Integrated assessment of the impacts of, and interactions between climate, land use and the hydrological cycle
Stein Beldring1, Stephanie Eisner2, Shaochun Huang1, Jan Magnusson1, Rasmus Astrup2, Wai Kwok Wong1. 1. Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate. 2. Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
Impacts of weighting global climate models on quantifying hydrological responses to climate change
Hui-Min Wang, Jie Chen, Chong-Yu Xu, Hua Chen, Xiangquan Li, State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University; Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo
Lake temperature and global warming
Sverre Anmarkrud1, Alemayehu Adugna Arara2, Anne Kværnø3, and Nils-Otto Kitterød1. 1) Norwegian University for Life Sciences, 2) Hawassa University, Ethiopia, 3) Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Session 3: Learning from environmental data: from field observations to machine learning
Exploring Landscapes and Ecosystems by Studying their Streams
James Kirchner ETH, Zürich, Switzerland
The rain check
Rasmus E. Benestad, Abdelkader Mezghani, Kajsa M. Parding, Helene B. Erlandsen, The Norwegian Meteorological Institute
New short-range weather forecast products improved by citizen observations
Cristian Lussana, Thomas Nipen, Ivar Seierstad, and Christoffer Elo, Norwegian Meteorology Institute
Novel framework for merging radar and gauge precipitation in cold climates
Kuganesan Sivasubramaniam, Knut Alfredsen, Ashish Sharma, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway and University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia
High-frequency satellite radiation data as input to hydrological modelling
Sjur Kolberg, Enki hydrologi
On the use of an explicit snow scheme in numerical weather prediction and operational snow mapping
Trygve Aspelien, Mariken Homleid, Tuomo Mikael Saloranta. MET-Norway, NVE
Application of machine learning emulators in parameter identification for a distributed hydrological model
Aynom T. Teweldebrhan, John F. Burkhart, and Thomas V. Schuler, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo