1st General Assembly of the Norwegian Geophysical Society 19.-21. juni

Arrangementet finner sted på Universitetet i Bergen 19.-21. juni.

Kort omtale:

«The General Assembly covers all disciplines within the Norwegian Geophysical Society, such as:
Cryospheric Sciences, Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, Physical Sciences of the Oceans, Seismology and
Physics of the Earth’s interior, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Hydrological Sciences, Geodesy, Volcanology
and Chemistry of the Earth’s interior.»

Send inn abstract innen 22. mars.


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Kontaktadresse: konferanse@geofysikk.org


Nye medlemmer i Hydrologirådet i 2023

Vi ønsker Hydro Energi AS, Statens Vegvesen, Skred AS, Xylem Analytics, Asplan Viak AS, Multiconsult AS og Lillehammer kommune velkommen som nye medlemmer fra 2023!

Dette bidrar til å forene hydrologi- og vannmiljøet i Norge.


Se medlemmene i Hydrologirådet her.

Høstnytt fra Hydrologirådet

Lurer du på hvordan tunnelstein kan utgjøre en trussel mot vannmiljøet, og hvordan  nitrat fra sigevann kan renses? Les mer i siste utgave av Nytt fra Hydrologirådet.

7th Conference on Modelling Hydrology, Climate and Land Surface Processes – presentasjoner

Modelling, forecasting, communicating, and handling weather-induced natural hazards 

Lillehammer, 19
21 September 2023


See the final programme
See the abstracts
See the programme with links to the abstracts
See the presentations



Disasters from natural hazards are growing at a rapid rate across the world for several reasons. Population growth, migration and urbanization make people occupy land that is more exposed to severe and frequent threats. In addition to being more exposed to hazards, these communities are often more vulnerable, lacking the ability and means to mitigate and adapt to natural hazards. In the Global Risk Report 2022, provided by the World Economic Forum, environmental risks are perceived to be among the most critical long-term threats to the world.  

Extreme weather events, as well as the number of people exposed to hazardous weather conditions and their consequences are increasing, also in Norway, and the extent of climate related damages has increased in the last ten years. Developing strategies to cope with natural hazards and their associated impacts, require us to pay attention to all parts of the value chain: modelling, forecasting, and communication of weather-induced natural hazards. Natural hazards are environmental phenomena that have the potential to impact societies and humans, including earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes. In this conference, the focus is on hydrometeorological hazards. Examples of such hazards are extreme precipitation, floods, droughts, landslides, and snow avalanches.  

Session 1: Methods and models for natural hazard prediction, including machine learning
Keynotes: Matthew Chantry, ECMWF; Berit Arheimer, SMHI 
Models for prediction of natural hazards are in continuous development, partly as a response to increasing availability of data products for forcing and updating. In session 1, we welcome contributions on new development
s within physical/conceptual or data-driven modelling techniques, as well as methods and strategies for empirical model adaptation beyond traditional single-catchment calibration. Multi-hazard modelling concepts are particularly welcomed, including but not restricted to floods, droughts, landslides, and snow avalanches. Also highly welcomed are studies on models being used for large regional domains, for which direct calibration to known responses (e.g., peak discharge) is less applicable. 

Session 2: Forecasting of weather-induced natural hazards, including data assimilation
Keynotes: Steven Cole, CEH; Kolbjørn Engeland, NVE 
Several natural hazards can be predicted from weather conditions, and thus be forecasted using weather prediction models either directly or as input to hydrologic and other hazard models. In session 2 we welcome contributions based on experiences with such forecasting systems, quality assessments of their forecasts, and the use of observations in the prediction making. Topics may include evaluation for multiple responses and purposes, methods for assimilating observations or otherwise combining forecasted and measured information, quantifications of uncertainty for different lead time, or related other themes. 

Session 3: Impact-based natural hazard warnings: User needs and risk communication
Keynotes: Kerstin Stahl, Univ. Freiburg; Juhana Hyrkkänen, FMI 
WMO emphasizes the need for improved early warning systems that facilitate early actions: “
forecasts of what the weather will BE are no longer enough. Impact-based forecasts on what the weather will DO and what people should do are vital to save lives and livelihoods”. In session 3, we welcome contributions on some of the key issues for taking the next steps toward implementing impact-based warnings: how to build partnerships with a range of stakeholders, how to collect impact information (e.g., societal consequences of the natural hazard), and insight into users’ needs, perceptions, and thoughts. Further, these experiences can be beneficial in communication of hazard information to the public with the requested clarity and trust to make it actionable. 

Session 4: Dimensioning and planning for natural hazard risks, including climate change issues
Keynotes: Øyvind Paasche, Norce; Torbjørg Austrud, Voss municipality 
The extent of climate related damages in Norway has increased in the last ten years, and extreme precipitation is causing half of the compensation. Nevertheless, a recent report from the office of the Auditor General of Norway, criticizes the authorities for not having implemented the necessary measures to secure existing buildings and infrastructure. On the other hand, many local communities are restricted from permitting construction and refurbishing on hazard-prone zones, even where these overlap with existing built-up areas. Session 4 welcomes contributions on risk estimation, identification and delineation of hazard zones, and structural and non-permanent mitigation.

Conference fee:
NOK 3900,-
The conference fee covers registration, abstract management, and technical solutions, and includes:
3 x lunch, 2 x dinner (including Banquet), social events and conference materials.

Accommodation and breakfasts are not included in the conference fee. 

Students in Norway can apply support from the Norwegian Hydrological Council for their participation. Please find the application form here. 

Scandic Victoria Lillehammer, Nymosvingen 3, Lillehammer, Norway 


Sjur A. Kolberg, Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (chair)
Ole Einar Tveito, Norwegian Meteorological Institute and Norwegian Hydrological Council
Lu Li, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre
Anders Doksæter Sivle, Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Håkon Sundt, SINTEF Energi
Trine Jahr Hegdahl, Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate
Lena M. Tallaksen, University of Oslo
Anne Haugum, Norwegian Hydrological Council 


Website: https://www.hydrologiraadet.no/7th-conference-on-modelling-hydrology-climate-and-land-surface-processes/

Webinar «1000-års flommen – hvordan kan vi tilpasse oss?» 12. oktober NB! Ny dato

Velkommen til Hydrologirådets webinar 12. oktober kl. 11.30 – 12.15 på teams.

James Lancaster fra Norconsult holder et dagsaktuelt innlegg om ekstremflom og klimatilpasning.

I etterkant av selve innlegget blir det mulighet for å stille spørsmål.

NB! På grunn av sykdom må dessverre webinaret flyttes til 12. oktober (fra 28. september).


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Foto: Simon Oldani, NVE


Sommernytt fra Hydrologirådet

Les om hvordan grønn laserteknologi kan brukes til å bedre hydrauliske modeller og dermed gjøre analyser i vassdrag mer presise. Dette gjelder f.eks. ved simulering av flom, simulering av tiltak i vassdrag og for å belyse vassdragsmiljøet.

Erlend Øydvin arbeider med doktorgrad om nedbørsestimater basert på signaltap i mobiltelefonnettet.

Les mer i sommer-utgaven av Nytt fra Hydrologirådet her.

Velkommen til fire nye medlemmer i Hydrologirådet

Xylem Analytics, Multiconsult, Skred AS og Asplan Viak har meldt seg inn i Hydrologirådet. Velkommen!!

Se medlemsinstitusjonene her.

Konferansen «Sustainability in Hydropower 2023 – Ecological mitigation, best practises and governance», Trondheim 13.-15. juni 2023

NTNU er medarrangør og konferansen finner sted i Trondheim.

Conference aims
  • Discuss and promote best practise cases of ecological designed hydropower
  • Identify sustainability challenges and good governance
  • Networking regarding hydropower and the nature crisis
  • Essentials for planning successful improvement of environmental values while securing the benefits of hydropower production.
  • Emerging best practise within ecological mitigation measures and best available technologies.
  • Governance with regard to sustainability, resilience, biodiversity and climate change, both in Europe and developing countries.

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FN: Groundwater Summit 2022 – 7. -8. desember – bli med

FNs UN Water arrangerer møte om grunnvann 7. – 8. desember.

Delta digitalt og gratis og register deg her.»

Om møtet:

«Groundwater is invisible, and yet its impact is visible everywhere. It is a hidden treasure that enriches our lives. Groundwater may be out of sight, but it must not be out of mind.

The UN-Water Summit on Groundwater 2022 aims to bring attention to groundwater at the highest international level. The Summit will use the UN World Water Development Report 2022 as a baseline and the SDG 6 Global Acceleration Framework as a guideline to define actions towards more responsible and sustainable use and protection of this vital natural resource.

The UN-Water Summit on Groundwater will take place on 7 and 8 December 2022 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France, and is planned as a hybrid meeting with the most possible on-side presence.»


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Seminar «Kraftverkshydrologi og miljøforhold» 22. – 23. november 2022 i Drammen

Seminaret har fokus på alle aspekter ved vassdragsdrift, og vil samle faggrupper som arbeider med relevante temaer for å sikre en helhetlig forvaltning av våre vassdrag. Vi vil dra nytte av erfaringer fra de store miljøene rundt produksjonsplanlegging, vassdragsmiljø, hydrologi og hydraulikk. Vi vil gjennomgå forskningsresultater, nye metoder, verktøy og forvaltningspraksis samt ulike tiltak som er implementert.

Seminaret arrangeres av Energi Norge og Norsk hydrologiråd.

Hva får du kunnskap om?
  • Hvordan godt tverrfaglig samarbeid har redusert faren for ‘dykkersyke’ hos fisk 
  • Hafslund Eco satte i drift Tolga kraftverk i fjor. Her er det iverksatt spennende miljøtiltak 
  • Vi kikker inn i glasskula og ser blant annet på hvordan nedbøren blir i fremtiden 
  • Samfunnets nytte av reguleringskapasiteten i magasiner 
Hvem er det for?
Forvaltningen på alle nivåer, rådgivere, kraftbransje og forskningsmiljøer.